The toddler classroom is designed to develop social skills and to help children learn about their environment. Within the classroom there are centers where toddlers exercise and develop their creativity and imagination. Toddlers are beginning to think about their actions, solve problems and understand language.
During the school day, your child will engage in activities such as jumping, rolling, walking and waving. Teachers will introduce concepts such as sharing, talking, self-discipline and simple table manners. We will also provide your child with a variety of cognitive concepts.
Your toddler will be introduced to colors, numbers, shapes, as well as letters and pre-emergent phonetic sounds using The Creative Curriculum System.
The toddler classrooms are specifically designed for their size. All furniture is child-sized and the materials are carefully chosen to meet your child’s developmental needs. All materials are sanitized several times a day to minimize the spread of germs.
Each child has a personalized space (cubby) for nap items, spare clothing and sippy cups. All items must be labeled with your child's name.
Each child has a designated sleeping mat for naptime which will be used daily until your child moves up to the next classroom.
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